Tummy Tuck Turkey

The Badge Clinic is your trusted destination for tummy tuck surgery in Turkey. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results and providing a superior experience compared to our competitors. With a team of highly skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, we offer a range of tummy tuck procedures tailored to meet your unique needs.

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    Why Choose Us for Your Tummy Tuck in Turkey

    When it comes to undergoing a tummy tuck procedure, choosing the right clinic is crucial. At the Badge Clinic, we offer several compelling reasons why you should entrust us with your aesthetic goals. Our team consists of board-certified plastic surgeons specialising in tummy tuck surgeries. They possess extensive experience and expertise, ensuring that you receive the highest level of care and achieve optimal results. 

    Our clinic is located in Istanbul, one of Turkey’s most vibrant and culturally rich cities. With its world-class healthcare infrastructure and a reputation as a global hub for medical tourism, Istanbul is an ideal destination for your tummy tuck procedure. You can enjoy a seamless blend of quality medical care and a memorable travel experience at the Badge Clinic. 

    Benefits of Abdominoplasty Turkey

    Undergoing abdominoplasty in Turkey offers numerous benefits. Not only can you achieve a more toned and contoured abdomen with an Istanbul tummy tuck, but you can also enjoy the additional advantages of exploring a beautiful country known for its rich history and breathtaking landscapes. Turkey’s affordable medical costs and its reputation for excellence in cosmetic surgery make it an attractive choice for individuals seeking a tummy tuck abroad. 

    When to Consider a Tummy Tuck in Turkey

    If you’re wondering when to consider a tummy tuck in Turkey, it’s important to understand why the procedure might be ideal for you.  

    A tummy tuck is an ideal option for individuals who have excess abdominal skin and weakened muscles due to factors such as pregnancy, significant weight loss, or aging. If exercise and diet have not yielded the desired results, a Istanbul tummy tuck can help you achieve a firmer and flatter midsection. 

    At the Badge Clinic, we offer plenty of options for cosmetic surgery in Turkey, including tummy tucks and Turkey liposuction. Contact our team to find out more.  

    What is the Tummy Tuck Turkey Process?

    The tummy tuck turkey process at the Badge Clinic follows a comprehensive approach to ensure your safety, comfort, and satisfaction. When you choose us, you can expect a personalized consultation where our skilled surgeons will evaluate your needs and goals.  

    During the surgery, excess skin and fat are removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened to create a smoother, more defined contour. Our surgeons utilize advanced techniques and the latest technology to minimize scarring and optimize results.  

    Abdominoplasty Turkey FAQs

    You may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you are physically healthy and you are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen. If you’re looking to reduce more of the weight you’re carrying across your torso, you might also be a candidate for breast reduction in Turkey 

    A tummy tuck procedure involves the following steps: 

    Step 1 – Anesthesia – Medications are given to ensure your comfort during the surgery, with options including intravenous sedation or general anesthesia as recommended by your doctor.

    Step 2 – The Incision – A horizontal incision is made between the pubic hairline and belly button. Weakened abdominal muscles are repaired, and additional incisions may be made to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen.  

    Step 3 – Closing the Incisions – Sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or clips are used to close the incisions. 

    Step 4 – Results – Your tummy tuck will provide a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is proportionate to your body type and weight. For more information on tummy tuck results, visit our Instagram page. 


    During your tummy tuck recovery, your incisions will be dressed with bandages, and you may be wrapped in an elastic bandage or compression garment. This helps to reduce swelling and provides vital support to your healing abdomen. To drain any excess blood or fluid, small tubes may be temporarily placed under your skin.  

    During tummy tuck recovery, initial swelling and the inability to stand upright may hide the final results. However, within a week or two, you’ll regain confidence with a slimmer profile. The procedure creates a flatter, firmer abdomen that suits your body type.  

    Existing cesarean section scars can blend with the tummy tuck scar. While it may take months to fade, following your physician’s instructions is vital. Avoid excessive force, swelling, and motion during healing. Your doctor will provide specific care guidance. 

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